How Blogs Affect Site Traffic

If you find yourself intimidated by the concept of blogging, you are not alone. More than two million blog posts are published every single day, and a new blog is created every half a second.

With all that noise, one can’t help but wonder: can blogging really help increase site traffic?

The short answer is yes. Sure, you will have to invest time and effort into creating quality content that your audience finds helpful and valuable. But if done properly, your blog is an excellent source for generating traffic, leads, and eventually sales.


Here’s how.


A Blog Puts Your Business in Front of Your Audience

Think of the ways you can get prospects to find your website. You could focus on building your brand so that when someone needs one of the products you sell, they type your name directly into their browser. But that can take a long time to happen. You can pay for ads and get qualified traffic to your site. While this method is effective, it’s also very expensive and not advantageous for the long run.

A blog, on the other hand, lets you kill two birds with one stone. For starters, it can boost your ranking. Every time you post a new article on your blog, web spiders crawl it, increasing your position in Google’s SERPs. The higher your position, the easier it will be for prospects to find your site.

Blogging can also put your business in front of new audiences and help get discovered through social media. As such, it can help connect people with your brand and establish yourself as the go-to source in the industry.


Blogging Can Help You Understand Your Audience

Sure, you may have developed a buyer persona to understand who your audience is and what they want. But until they actually interact with your content, all this information is nothing more than speculation.

A blog lets you discover what your prospects are interested in and what problems they are trying to solve. By looking at your stats, you can see which of your articles performed best and decide what you must offer to your audience to make them come back and eventually turn into leads.

You don’t have to be an expert in online marketing to see the connection between blogging and traffic. However, this is an endeavor that requires time and commitment. Because we know that most business owners have to juggle with multiple tasks at the same time, we’ve created the right mix for them. Whether you’re looking for Dallas SEO, web design or content creation, D6 Interactive has got you covered.



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